Uploading files

Do this when you want to upload files to Assets:

  1. Open assets by choosing Assets on top of the screen.
  2. Go to the folder where you want to add the files to.
  3. Choose Upload files from the upper right corner.
  4. Upload files -window will open up. Click Choose files, so that you can choose the files from your computer.
  5. You can use the tool on the window to resize your picture, so that you won't have to process the pictures separately. You can choose e.g. ''small'', and the program will convert the picture to this size automatically.
  6. You can upload multiple pictures at the same time by choosing them while holding down the Ctrl-button.
  7. Choose Open.
  8. Choose Start uploading. The program will upload the files to assets.
  9. Close the window by pressing X.
  10. The files have now been uploaded to assets.