Adding customers

Do this when you want to add a new customer:

  1. Choose Add customer from the side menu.
  2. Add a new customer -area will open up.
  3. Insert the customer information.
  4. Insert an email address and a phone number, so that you can send text messages and newsletters to the customer through the service.
  5. Login information -tab needs to be filled only if an extranet -additional service is in use. The validity-checkbox will also affect only if an extranet -additional service is in use. The box doesn't have to be checked in communication solutions.
  6. You can choose a group you want to add the customer to in the Customer groups -tab.
  7. Remember to Save.

Attention! The customer group needs to be created before adding the customer in it. You can also change the customer group later or add the customer to a group afterwards.

Adding multiple customers

You can add multiple customers to the register at once. You can copy the customers from an existing file with copy/paste -function or type the customer information straight on the field.

Do this when you want to add multiple customers into a group:

  1. Choose Add multiple customers from the side menu.
  2. Add multiple customers -area will open up.
  3. Insert the customer information on the fields. You can also copy the information (e.g. from an Excel-file) and paste them on the field. Make sure that the information is precisely in the correct order (email, first name, last name, phone number). Separate the information with a comma (,). Add newlines if necessary (Enter). The customers need to be on their own line.
  4. If an extranet -additional service is in use, check the Login information-checkbox if you want usernames and passwords created for the new customers in the process. 
  5. Choose the groups where you want the customers to be added to.
  6. Click Add when you're ready.

A personal username and a password needs to be created for all customers, who you want to be able to view hidden pages. You can also give the same password to all of the customers in a customer group. Check the Validity-checkbox, so that the usernames and the passwords are valid and the customers are able to log in to the Extranet-service.
