Adding a picture

To add a picture you'll have to create a content area with a content editor. Remember to upload the pictures to Assets before adding them to the content area.

Do this when you want to add a picture to a content area:

  1. Choose Edit from the top of the content area.
  2. A content editor will appear on the screen.
  3. Go to the spot where you want to add the picture and choose Add picture.
  4. Picture's features will appear on the screen. Choose Browse files.
  5. Assets will open up. You can now choose the picture you want by double-clicking it with the left mouse button.
  6. You can now resize the picture from Width and Height. You only have to change one of these, and the program will do the rest.
  7. Press OK when you're ready.
  8. Remember to Save before you exit the content editor.

Editing and changing the picture

Do this when you want to edit the features of the picture:

  1. Choose (while you're in the content editor) the picture you want to edit by clicking the right mouse button. Choose Features.
  2. Picture's features will appear on the screen. (explanations below)
  3. You can now edit the features. 
  4. Press OK when you're ready.
  5. Remember to Save before you exit the content editor.

Picture's features:

  • Address
    You can write down the link of the picture, or find the picture from Assets by choosing Browse files.
  • Alternative text (alt-text)
    If the picture can not be shown for some reason, this text will be shown instead of the picture.
  • Width/Height
    You can resize the picture from Width and Height. You only have to change one of these, and the program will do the rest.
  • Adjustment
    You can adjust the picture to the left, center or right.
  • Picture with a caption
    You can add a caption to your picture after pressing OK
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