
You can create feedback forms, that can be used to collect customer feedback, offer requests and contacts with the Forms-editor. All the information will be sent to the chosen email address or if necessary, saved as an Excel-file for later reviewing. 

Creating a new form

Do this when you want to add a new form on pages:

  1. Go to the page you wish to add the form to, and choose Forms.
  2. Choose Add.
  3. New form -area will appear on the screen, in which you'll insert the information you want.

New form -area

  1. Title
    The form's title, e.g. contacts.
  2. Transmission
    Email; Save to file; Both ways: You can save the information on the form for later reviewing, and assemble an Excel-file from the answers.
  3. Email's receivers
    To whom the message will be sent to. Separate the receivers with a semicolon (;).
  4. The page after a successful transmission
    You can create e.g. a Thanks for participating -page, where the visitors will be guided to after sending the form. You can put a link to that page here.
  5. Message's title
    You can name the forms to simplify your filing.
  6. Send-button's text
    The button is called Send by default. You can rename the button with a more fitting name if you wish.
  7. Will the clear-button be displayed
    Yes/No. If you choose yes, the visitor can clear the form by choosing Clear.
  8. Clear-button's text
    The button is called Clear by default. You can rename the button with a more fitting name if you wish.
  9. Mandatory information is missing
    Write a text that will be shown to the user, if one of the form's mandatory fields are empty.

Defining the form's reply message

You can define an automatic reply message that will be sent back to the user, after they've sent the form.

  • Whether to send a confirmation
    Here you can define will the reply message be sent, if the user has left their email address.
  • Reply message's title
    The email's title.
  • Reply message's sender's email address
    Who the receiver will see as the sender.
  • Add the form's information on the reply message.
  • Reply message's text
    Optional message, that the receiver will get.

Provided that you're using the Customer register, you can define if the form's sender will be added to the register automatically from the Customer information -tab.

Adding a new form field

Do this when you want to add a new field to a form:

  1. Choose Add a record from the Forms -content area.
  2. Add a new form field -area will open up.
  3. Fill in the form one line at a time:
    Field's text
    Name the field, e.g. age.
    Is this field mandatory
    Yes/No. If it's mandatory, the user won't be able to move on until they've filled in the mandatory fields.
    Field's type
    Text field, email field, text area, drop-down list, radio button, check box, subtitle and spam filter.
    Field's values (;)
    Define the answer options.
  4. Choose Save. One new row has now been created on the form.

Remember to add a spam filter to the forms!

Editing a form field

Do this when you want to edit a form field:

  1. Choose Edit above the form field you wish to edit.
  2. Edit the form field -area will open up.
  3. You can edit the field's name, type and values. (cp. above)
  4. Choose Save.

Changing the order of form fields

Do this when you want to change the order of form fields:

  1. Choose Listing from the Forms -content area.
  2. List view of the form fields -area will open up.
  3. Press Move on the field you want to relocate with your left mouse button. Hold down the button.
  4. Move the field to the place you want it to go.
  5. Release the mouse button when the field is on the right spot.
  6. Choose OK.

Deleting a form field

Do this when you want to delete a field from a form:

  1. Choose Edit next to the field you want to delete. You'll get to the editing mode.
  2. Choose Delete.
  3. The program will ask you ''Are you sure you want to delete the contents?''
  4. Choose OK if you want to delete the form field.
  5. Choose Cancel if you don't want to delete the form field.

A report about the form

You can get a report of the answers by choosing Listing of answers from the Forms -content area. You can also get the answers into an Excel-file by choosing Excel from the Forms -content area.

Receiving a report requires Save to file or Both ways to be put on from the form's settings' Message-area.

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