Publishing your site

Publishing a site is done by logging in to your own account and editing the site's settings from there. 

Remember that only the owner can publish the site. 

If you want to publish with the site's own domain, it's done by directing the chosen domain to the site that's about to be published. The domain's administrator will perform this, and you will get the instructions when you are publishing the site. 

When you want to publish your site, do this:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Choose the site you want to publish and go to settings.
  3. Press Publish here from the right side.
  4. Choose the domain for the site that you are going to publish. You can either use the address of the demo page, use a domain that already exists or reserve a new domain.
  5. Make sure that the subscription is suitable and the billing information is correct.
  6. Press Publish.
  7. If you chose to publish with the domain, you will receive instructions on the screen and in your email, which you can send to the administrator of the domain.

Please note that the process of directing the domain to a site might take a few hours.

Getting started
Your account